5 Reasons To Choose Invisalign

Have you wanted to straighten your teeth but decided against it because you didn’t want the look of traditional metal braces? You might be a candidate for Invisalign! Invisalign is a series of clear, removable, aligners that are custom fit to your smile. The clear aligners straighten your teeth without the use of metal brackets. Nervous or self-conscious about having wire and brackets in your mouth? Below we’ve listed 5 reasons to choose Invisalign to straighten your smile!
You Don’t Have To Give Up Your Favorite Foods!
Yes, you read that right! With Invisalign, you are instructed to remove your clear aligners before you eat, meaning you don’t have to stay away from foods like you would with traditional braces! Are you a sucker for popcorn, apples, or gum? Chew away! Just remember to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in.
Show Off Your Smile With Confidence!
We know the look of metal braces isn’t what makes everyone feel the most confident. Going through orthodontic treatment can often lead to a reduction in confidence due to the new, noticeable, hardware in your mouth. Invisalign’s SmartTrack material was designed to move your teeth more precisely and comfortably while keeping your treatment on the down low. Your clear aligners won’t be noticeable unless you point them out! Smile with confidence before, during, and after your orthodontic treatment.
Keep Those Pearly Whites Sparkling
Another added benefit of Invisalign – you take them out when you brush your teeth! Oral health is so important to your overall health and it’s not uncommon for oral health to take a hit when in traditional braces. It’s not impossible, but it does take more time and effort to brush and floss around the brackets to remove plaque. Fortunately, Invisalign aligners are removed to brush and floss like you normally would.
Maintain Your Oral Health
It can’t be stressed enough, your oral health is super important! Oral health directly relates to your overall health and impacts your quality of life. With Invisalign your oral health routine won’t take a hit, if anything it will improve! Bruising and flossing your teeth is as easy as it was before your treatment. Now, you’re brushing and flossing after every meal before you put your aligners back in to help keep away unwanted bacteria.
Say Goodbye To Cut Up Gums
Oh yes! You won’t have to worry about your gums being cut up from sharp edges on your brackets or wires, your gums can rejoice! Often metal brackets will scrape the tissue on the inside of your mouth causing some discomfort in the early stages of treatment. With Invisalign, your aligners are made with a comfortable material so there are no sharp edges bothering you throughout the day!
Choosing your orthodontic treatment is a very personal journey, and one only you and your trusted orthodontist can determine. When looking into your options, schedule a free consultation at any of our 15 convenient locations across Southeastern Wisconsin to learn more about metal braces and Invisalign.
Interested in Invisalign treatment? Start your invisible smile journey with Wisconsin’s #1 Invisalign provider today!